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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sky Tree

The Sky Tree is an extremely tall tree in about the center of our territory. It's good to practice climbing in, and rabbit then to lives in burrow between it's roots.


Anonymous said...

Birdpaw ran as fast as she could towards the tree, streaking up the trunk in a flash of silver fur. She perched in a branch and sat, tail dangling, surveying the territory and the beautiful, ethereal mountains in the distance. She sighed, enjoying the breeze on her face and the music of the wind in the tree's leaves. Closing her eyes, Birdpaw immersed herself in the beauty of nature, believing she was utterly and truly alone.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Skyleaf slunk through the undergrowth, then popped out."Hey."

Anonymous said...

"Wah!" Birdpaw slipped and fell, dangling from her branch by only her front claws. "Woah!" she said as she clambered back up the branch. "You scared me!" Birdpaw looked down at Skyleaf. "You wanna climb up? The view's beautiful. You can see everything."

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Skyleaf purred, then gracefully sped up the tree. She sat next to Birdpaw and gazed at the view for a while."Hey," she turned to Birdpaw."I have a fun way to train here." She nudged Birdpaw then pounced to a different branch with ease."Catch me if you can!" She said."You know, I was named after this tree."

Anonymous said...

Birdpaw smiled at the challenge, and bounded through the branches effortlessly catching up with Skyleaf. "Really?" she asked. Then Skyleaf sped ahead, and Birdpaw bounded after her, laughing, her muscles and agility put to the test.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Skyleaf looked behind to check on Birdpaw. She seemed to be doing fine, so she went a little harder by jumping to lower and lower branches.

Anonymous said...

Birdpaw followed, darting behind Skyleaf. Suddenly, a loose branch snapped and Birdpaw fell, down, down, down to the ground, yowling all the while. She twisted, an amazing feat of agility, and landed squarely on her feet. She then fell on her side and didn't move.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Skyleaf quickly landed with a flying leap. She ran to her apprentice, with concern in her voice."Birdpaw!" She rubbed her gently.

Anonymous said...

Birdpaw coughed, the wind knocked out of her. She waited a few moments to regain her breath, and then stood up shakily. "I survived," she mewed jokingly. "I'm fine," she assured her mentor.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Skyleaf sighed."That's a relief. I'll have to tech you how you can tell if a branch isn't stable without touching it.

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," said Birdpaw shakily.