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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Over due ceremonies!

Botlstar quickly scampered onto the huge boulder."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Midnight Stone for a clan meeting!" Basically everyone in the clan sat below him, except for young Leafkit who lagged behind at the nursery."As most of us know, we have many overdue joiners." He purred, then looked to all the new cats."We have Iceblaze, our head warrior,"
A white and grey tom dipped his head.", and we have other warriors Greyfang and Stormsky." To other warriors smiled to their new clan.

"We also have new apprentices. Freepaw, Breezepaw, and Berylpaw step forward." Boltstar called the young cats forth."By naming new apprentices, we show that Eclipseclan is strong. Freepaw, Breezepaw, and Berylpaw, do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code?" The three apprentices nodded eagerly, which made Boltstar smile."Then you shall be apprentices until you have earned your warrior name. Freepaw, your mentor will be me." He briefly jumped down to touch noses with his new apprentice."Breezepaw, your mentor will be Greyfang. And Berylpaw, your trainingwill have to be shared for now."

Boltstar looked around."Our next member is young Leafkit. The whole clan is to be his family, is that understood?" Everyone nodded."Okay, meeting dismissed."

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our first members!

Boltstar scamped up the ramp of a log, then stood boldly on a huge stone that was held in place. Remembering there was nobody to address, he looked at the cats below him."Eclispeclan has it's first few members!" He yowled proudly."Brightsoul will be our new deputy." He gestured to a pretty she-cat."Thenn we have our new medicine cat, Sparrowfeather." He then nodded to a fluffy brown tabby she-cat."We also have two apprentices." Boltstar gazed down to symbolize the young cats to step forward.

"Birdpaw," He looked at that silver tabby."Do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code, and become a full warrior?" Birdpaw nodded eagerly, waiting to hear who her mentor was."Then by the power of Starclan I make you an apprentice of Eclipseclan. Your mentor will be Skyleaf." The warrior padded over to touch noses with her new apprentice. Boltstar then looked at Falconpaw."Falconpaw, do you promise to learn the ways of the warrior code, and become a full warrior?" BOltstar questioned the young tom. He nodded, bulging with pride."Then by the power of Starclan, I make you an apprentice of Eclipseclan. Your mentor shall be Brightsoul." He smiled. Brightsoul touched noses with her apprentice, then all eyes returned to Boltstar."Meeting dismissed everyone!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mountains (Solarclan border)

Huge mountains covered with bushes and trees. Just beyond them is Solarclan, our ally.

Sky Tree

The Sky Tree is an extremely tall tree in about the center of our territory. It's good to practice climbing in, and rabbit then to lives in burrow between it's roots.

Moonlight glade (Mates Page)

Moonlight glade is a romantic place at night. In the middle of the glade is the beginning of a lake, into which the Swift River flows into. Many mates or cats who like each other come here.

Training Hollow

This is where warriors take their apprentices to train. It has many rocks and trees for training, and it's a nice big area.

Swift River

The Swift River is a fast-moving body a clean, fresh water. This place is great for a nice swim or a drink.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Join here!!!!

Here is how you joineth!

Shortish Paragraph about self (Personality, History, Family, Crush):
Picture Link:

Available Ranks:

Medicine Cat Apprentice, Warriors, Apprentices, Queens, Kits, Elders.